German Stories - Learn German with Stories

German Stories - Learn German with Stories

Learn German with the only German learning podcast that picks you up at your level, leads you to your goal in small steps, and has an ongoing story that makes you hungry for more. Find out more at!

Kategorien: Bildung

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Vocab for games, application documents & personal pronouns in the dative: mir, dir, ihm. Paul is bowling with his parents and talks about his career plans. His lie that he knew what job he wanted all along goes undetected. Tim writes that he doesn't have any news about Fritz either, but he believes lakes don't have real beaches. So Paul has to look for Fritz on Germany's coasts. But they are too long to search. Tim offers to ask a friend about the best surfing spots there. Paul is surprised because the first answer he gets on his applications is a rejection. Will Tim's friend be able to provide a lead on Fritz? Transcript, lesson and extras: Learning German with training wheels The characters in our story DON'T speak at a regular speed, just like native speakers among themselves. Why?They speak natural German. But we put in countless hours of work to direct every voice actor so that he or she speaks a bit slower and more clearly, adapted to the language level. You can always speed up the audio in the app. We believe this is the better way. Just as we believe that at the beginning, training wheels teach a child to ride a bike better than bruises from falls do. If you want know why we spent over 1 1/2 years of work before we even published our first lesson, go to Buy us a cup of coffee: Support us via PayPal Leave us a review on Google: Review us on Google Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: Review us on Apple Podcasts You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: Social media & more

Vorherige Folgen

  • 71 - 70: Sie geben dir keine Arbeit | They don't give you a job 
    Fri, 19 Jul 2024 - 0h
  • 70 - 69: Paul will Autor werden | Paul wants to become an author 
    Fri, 28 Jun 2024 - 0h
  • 69 - 68: Horror-Crash auf Oktoberfest! | Horror crash at Oktoberfest! 
    Mon, 03 Jun 2024 - 0h
  • 68 - 67: Welchen Job will er machen? | What job does he want to do? 
    Sun, 26 May 2024 - 0h
  • 67 - 66: Der Freund, den Paul sucht | The friend that Paul is looking for 
    Mon, 13 May 2024 - 0h
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